Snapshots with Stories
3 – Cooking class in Yogya (1936)

The Yogya Chinese Indonesian Women’s Association (Tiong Hwa Hoe Lie Hwee) was established in 1932 and was actively involved in social-cultural matters. It held many fundraising events, such as fancy-fairs, baby shows and Shanghai dress competitions. For its members the association also held trainings in spiritual enrichment and how to become good housewives. This picture shows a cooking class in the Association’s building. On this particular day somewhere in 1936, Victoriasoep was a.o. on the menu. The recipe was written on the blackboard.
‘Brambang digoreng dengan mentega. Brambang digoreng sampeh merah en lantas di adook bouillon ajam; daging ajam di potong2. Tambah mritja, garem, sledri, wortel en asperges’.
The result of the cooking class could be carried home in (a) so-called ‘kirimans’ for ‘feeding’ the family, husband and siblings. But do not underestimate the combativeness of these women: the banner proudly shows in Chinese characters: ‘Bu rang xu mei’ (Not less than men). But at that time we (men) already knew it.
Liem Hoo Soei, September 2012